Friday, June 24, 2011

Five For Friday...

My Five Favourite Spots on the Web!

1. Design Sponge Love, love, love this place. It's got cooking, decorating, gardening, crafts and so much  more. Love those peonies that are on there today!

2. Sweet Paul This is such a beautiful magazine. What else can I say?

3. Google Reader Sounds silly but hey, this IS a site and it allows me to have SO many blogs saved in one place. With a quick look, I know which ones have updated and how many new posts they have. And sometimes, I just click through one by one, checking them all out! I could never delete without at least a cursory look!

4. The Kitchn This one's on my Google Reader. They do a lot of posts but I've found some of the most amazing recipes from here.

5. The Scrapbook Room Some might call it blatant self-promotion but hey, it's my blog and I love to scrapbook. I don't post as often as I should, or could, or would (if I had the time) but I do post and it's local and you just might want to scrapbook. Right?

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