Thursday, June 09, 2011

What a Great Idea!

I've been racking my brain (i actually had to google to find out if one "racks" their brain or "wracks" their brain) trying to figure out what to do with my blog. Everybody's got a blog. Not everybody has something to say. I'd like to have something to say. Not drivel like I've been posting but seriously, something to say.

And so it was today that I met a couple of my writer friends for our BizGroup meeting. It's a support group of sorts where we each report on our progress, share tips and information and generally walk away feeling refreshed and ready to work harder at this business of writing. It's here that I came up with the idea of, well, ideas.

Sound lame? So be it. I think I have good ideas. Blogs are a great idea. Applying for writing jobs is a great idea. Making rhubarb crisp was a great idea.

And so it is. My blog shall be about ideas. My ideas. Maybe even other people's ideas. Whatever. It is based on ideas. It may even be based on bad ideas like...I probably shouldn't let my cat lay on the new faux leather sofa--especially since she's already clawed it. I should be spraying it and keeping her away. But here she is and I'm probably going to regret it.

I wanted to take her picture but when I got up to grab my phone she followed. She's now off the sofa but I took her picture anyway. She's such a sweetie--except when she CLAWS my new sofa!

For now I will forget about that. I must think more on my ideas.

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