Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10 Things...

In honour of Shimelle (www.shimelle.com) who I follow and adore...I'm joining in with her 10 Things. It's a challenge to bloggers to list 10 things on their blog on the 10th of each month. The 10 things can be anything. Of course, I read that post rather quickly but at least this is my interpretation.

Here's my 10 Things I Want to Clean Out This Month:

1) That basket of mismatched socks by the dryer. (Okay, so I already did it last night! It's such an accomplishment it deserves to be on the list.)
Here's the before and after!

2) Also did the old desk of my Dad's that was in Noella's room and moved it to my office.

3) Need to sort through old magazines--one shelf/basket etc. at a time!

4) Need to go through the old window envelopes I've saved and cut them up ready for scrapbooking!

5) Need to clean off my scrapbook desk in the office!

6) Need to clean out the freezer drawers on the bottom of the refrigerator. (Note to self: Must remember that on garbage day so any old items can go directly to the dump.)

7) Need to clean out utensil drawer so that only the things I use/need are left and the drawer will then shut okay and things will quit getting jammed in it!

8) In order to go easy on my self, need to clean the shelf by the woodstove. (It's not as bad as some areas and will therefore only take a couple of minutes.)

9) Need to clean out the middle drawer on the smaller kitchen cupboards. The one that holds all the envelopes of food mixes etc. You know? The ones that are half spilling out because they've gotten ripped or were put in there 1/2 used or have been in there for SO long. Yeah. Must do that one.

10) Need to clean out the drawers on my china cabinet. They are so full of junk. Why? Why do we think we can toss whatever we don't know what to do with in that drawer. I should go clean that out right now. Look at it. Isn't that terrible? Garbage. Ugh. Look at it...

Yep, going to do that one now. And that, dear readers, is how I want my year to go. I am sick of the disorganized clutter and want to see how much I can streamline some space around here. And here it is!

I did it! I'll try to keep you posted on how I do on the rest of the items--and I'll try to post that before another 3 months pass!

Hope your Tuesday is terrific!


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