Friday, September 02, 2011

We are headed to Windsor tomorrow afternoon....
a visit with the kiddies then off to Chicago on Sunday...

Chicago was never on the list of places I wanted to go but now that I'm looking at it, it just might be pretty good.

Did you know Obama is from Chicago? Denise (my sister) thinks I should go by his house. Maybe I will.

Did you know the movie, "Big" was filmed at FAO Schwartz in Chicago. (Now I think perhaps that isn't true but there is still an FAO Schwartz. I think perhaps it closed and has since reopened. It's a huge toy store and maybe we'll check it out. If we do, I'll post pictures.

Oodles of movies have been filmed in the city. Here's a list...

Maybe we'll even see one being filmed. If so, I'll take pictures.

And of course, we'll go to Navy Pier. Here's a peek of it...

Here's how it looked in the latest Transformers movie...
Yes, I think Chicago may be good. You think?


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