Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ugh....sometimes I think there is some value to a 9-5 job where I go to work, come home and forget it all.
But then...I think about how much I like what I do--yes, every job and I think there's no way I'd rather have to report to someone else.
Alas, I do have to report to me and I just made myself a to-do list of 15 things that I MUST do tomorrow!
So, just popping in to say hello and I'm sure next week when taxes are done, life will seem a little slower.

~ Pollie

(On my list...taxes...more taxes...oops, remembered one I forgot to some detective work for missing info for someone's taxes...get some Our Homes photos Our Homes editorial...try to schedule the last shoot for Our Homes...get my invoicing the minutes for my volunteer secretarial job...proof the convention program in preparation for printing....figure out how/when to start the feature that will be due soon...and oh gosh, I haven't put any of the relay for life tasks on here....ugh...back to the list!)

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