Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nine Things That Made This Friday Good.
1. It WAS Good Friday.
2. I got my kitchen table cleared off!
3. I had nothing I HAD to do.
4. I got to scrapbook for a bit tonight.
5. The sun shone.
6. I ate a rolo Easter egg. (Ok, so maybe that wasn't good but it WAS good! Mmmmm)
7. I finished The Reader and am now anxious to start reading Water for Elephants--which I'll start as soon as I'm done this.
8. I slept in till 9:30! Crazy!
9. I'm going to bed knowing tomorrow is a Sault day. (I love Sault days with my honey! What? Well of course, I mean Gerry!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list! (I had a piece of pecan pie.)