Thursday, November 05, 2009

Woo hoo! One more sleep (will I sleep?).
In light of all the running around I've been doing to get everything done before I go, I think so...
then tomorrow (that's Thursday) we head to Toronto where we will pull an all-nighter hitting the airport sometime after 3 am and flying out heading to Vallarta at 6:15 am. on a Sky Service flight.
Sky Service? Who the heck EVER heard of them? Courteny says she imagines it sounds like we should be scared on there. Is she kidding me?
I'm so NOT to the scared point right now...just too, too happy to finally be going somewhere.
What the heck took me so long????


Gidge said...

WOOO HOOOO! Pollie and Gerry!!!
I hope the three of you have an AWESOME week!
Take tons of photos! And update the blog every night before you get into bed! Lots of details like Court's!!
I can't wait to read all about your vacation!!

Dense said...

Have a great time you two!!!!!!!!!!

I look forward to reading all about your vacation too!!
Better late than never, is what they say......
Just, relax and have a great time

Denise said...

Oops must be bed time
I just called myself Dense

Anonymous said...

LOL Dense...I mean Denise! come no one ever called you that when you were young? Mustn't have occurred to us. Anyway, there's an internet cafe right at the hotel so I'm thinking over early morning coffee...we'll see....hopefully it's fast enough internet. Glad you are reading!
And Gidge...when you said "hope the 3 of us...I wondered who else was going...but then clued in that you meant Din..WHO is dense? Bye for now....sistas