Friday, February 19, 2010

Well here I am sitting at the airport at 2:30 in the morning…waiting for a flight to Vancouver at 7 am.

Gerry took up a spot on the floor right near where we came into the terminal—all the seats around there were full. I said screw that and walked down to the coffee shop area where I am now comfortably seated on a sofa, feet up on a chair in front of me with my trusty laptop plugged into the outlet right behind the sofa. Sucks to be him! Haha…only problem is he has the bag with the pillows we brought along. Just so that we don’t sound too lame, one is a little travel pillow, the other is an oldie I found in Court’s room and we’ll leave behind at the airport when we leave.

The trip down wasn’t too bad. Little to no traffic.

An interesting thing is that I turned the radio to CBC at 10 pm and listened to Q with Jian Ghomeshi. I don’t think you can get it online yet but check here at in a couple of days and you might be able to listen to it. It was a great episode for us as Jian was in Vancouver and interviewed Brian Williams. Brian is the NBC anchor who's doing the Olympics. He's pretty popular these days. Jian also talked about how there are two events going on in Vancouver—the ticketed ones and the one with the free stuff going on downtown. It makes me more anxious to get there and see what all the hype is! Also on that show was an interview with Feist and Gonzales. Very cool. They are doing a second parter tomorrow night from the Olympics but I'll likely have to catch that one another time!

Anyway, it’s now 3:30 am—took me a while to get internet working here…I might have a nap…no sign of my pillow yet but the sofa isn’t too bad. I’ll use my coat for a pillow.

Good night. Next time you hear from me I should be in BC. And since Gerry has the CAMERA too, he better not LOSE it!

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