Thursday, November 12, 2009 it is Thursday evening...we are going for dinner shortly and will roam around the streets for a bit after...I love the streets might compare it to Bloor Street West in Toronto but in another language....actually tons of Canadians and Americans here....especially a lot of people from Vancouver area.

Music is playing everywhere. Most of the restaurants are outdoors or partially outdoors. You can sit in these cafes....get serenaded by musicians, bugged by people selling their wares and it's so warm and nice! Ah...the life.

Internet cafes are everywhere....tons of ATMS...oodles of eateries and little shops and markets on the streets. Walking along the malecon, you hear the ocean waves hitting the shore and hear music from the many cafes, restaurants and nightclubs all along the way.

Under the arches, the clowns and mimes perform until the wee hours....and even a few homeless people sit silently on a bridge or somewhere with a hand out whispering, in hopes you'll drop them a peso...and a peso is just 1 cent. For anyone here, a tip of 5 pesos is not too bad and that is 50 cents!

A coffee shop across from our hotel is owned by a woman from Calgary and there's another further up the street. It sure isn't Tim Horton's anywhere...not even Starbucks I don't think. Some is called "Americano" and it's brutal. We've learned to ask for regular and it's about the best. But we basically just gave up coffee other than mornings and drink either the fruit water, just water or good old Corona or Pacifico.

Anyway, that's life in Vallarta. We shall hate to leave but life goes on. I'll have to update with photos from home.

Have a great evening.....(sigh)

Pauline & Gerry

PS For the scrapbookers, I bought the nicest album to make a scrapbook!!!

Buenes Noches

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1 peso is like 10 cents and yes there is a starbucks here.
oh ya and nice blog.