Sunday, November 08, 2009

Well hola everyone...we are in an internet cafe and it is not very fast and like Courtney was... I am having big trouble with the keyboard. It seems hot tonight.

We spent the day in Sayulita with Court and Fernando...the bus ride is a little crazy...basically sort of old buses and I am sure the cobblestone streets are hard on them too. The driver goes SO is a lot of uphill to Sayulita....which one might describe as a less modern Wasaga Beach type town....lots of vendors...the ocean....all kinds of people....our first taste of the salty, salty >Pacific and crazy big waves which I just could not handle...haha...I am a little sunburned but not bad.

Also, we saw Fernando perform on the bus which was pretty neat. He is very sweet and quite the charmer and actually kind of a goof like Courtney...they love the same things etc. so they do make a very good pair.

Anyway on the way back, fast again, and the doors on the bus wide open, the kid who was helping the driver was standing right in the open door. Scary!

We just went to a little pizza margaritas and it was good. Now we are mellowing down though this coffee I am drinking will not do any mellowing I will tell you. No wonder we do alcohol instead. The alcohol is so nice and cold and it is so hot so it goes down very good and I think you do not feel it because you sweat it all out.

So tomorrow we are walking down the beach of the ocean the other way from the malecon for a picnic. Fernando is working till 3 or 4 then we go. It is dark here at 6:30 though so it seems weird when it is so hot out.

Anyway, lots to do yet. Lots to see. We are so lucky to have tour guides and our very own spanish interpreter. Quite cool and I think it makes it Vallarta in a different way than many would get to see it.

For now, we are calling it a anyway...too slow to upload photos. Perhaps I will try in the morning.

Good night world.

Pauline & Gerry

1 comment:

Denise said...

Sounds like you are having a great is the best way to see another country, with inside guides........
Hope you have a great day