Monday, November 09, 2009

Considering I did this all once, I am doing it quick now to save time...above is Gerry outside someone's yard in Sayulita...there are lots of poor looking yards like is not a priority here...nor fancy homes etc. unless you are one of the imports....
The beach in Sayulita...see the horses and so many dogs running loose!

Here's Court walking through a campground...palm trees in a novel is that?

 CC & Fernando walking on the beach and below she's drinking the famous fruit water and he stopped to sing the Beatles, All My Loving....haha

Here's me & Gerry stepping into the ocean...crazy big waves! Then Gerry was going to rent a surfboard but we talked him out of it...Heehee...

Here's Fernando talking to the hippy friend he met before....big party in Sayulita next weekend...bonfire and jamming....

Here's the fleamarket...we must go back and there's Gerry...with just another tequila sunrise....

Here's a service station....brake job anyone?
Fernando keeps finding these tiny crabs...when they get too big for the shell, they move to a bigger one he says....See his little claws?
Anyway, again, way too long in here...I must go so that's it for that I am getting the hang of it, more later....We just might check out Walmart and another store, not because its Walmart but just to see how it looks compared to ours....then a picnic down the beach from our hotel later....We will take pictures....
For now, my recommendation is to stay in a hotel in or very near Old Town Vallarta...not in a modern high end resort...that would so suck...we love the town...we will try to get more pictures of that later...


Gidge said...

So Awesome Pollie! Great photos!
Looks like a lot of fun!

Gidge said...
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Noella said...

hey mama
loving the pics.
miss you